Archive for February, 2010


February 22, 2010

It seems that every county in every state is striving to bring some type of new industry to their area to provide more job opportunities. As a candidate for NC House of Representatives in Burke County, NC, I get asked constantly about what I would do to help stimulate new job opportunities. Being a proponent of recycling one area I would like to persue is offering incentives at the State level for new ideas to reprocess the vast raw material resources made available by recycling. Lots and lots of plastic and glass is available. Innovation and research should be encouraged. Once something is started, it will take employees to keep it going. Also, there are a lot of emply buildings available. Landlords are stuck with upkeep and taxes, but no revenue coming in to cover these items. It would be advantageous to both the landlord and the entreprenuer if there were tax breaks for rentals to new business. Start-up costs are usually quite high and rent being one of the primary factors built in that could make or break a small business.